Pack A Bag for All Seasons!


Given the record-setting freezing temps the country has been experiencing recently, I feel a quick discussion about weather and how it relates to what you should pack for touring is in order. It all seems simple enough, bring warm clothes if you’re going somewhere cold and vice versa for a warm climate. But it’s not so simple for the touring community, we always need to check our routing in advance. If you’re headed out for an extensive tour you’ll more than likely pass through a few different climates, and quite possibly extremes at both ends of the spectrum.

While taking your routing into consideration also keep the time of year in mind. If you’re packing for a tour in the middle of February that ends in April, you’ll want to check average weather conditions for the time of year you’ll actually be passing through a specific part of the country.

Packing for many different temperatures and weather conditions can make for a busting at the seems suitcase in short notice. So once you’ve done your weather research I suggest some clothing research. Outdoor gear designed for hiking tends to make for good tour apparel. It’s made to pack small, be versatile and hold up to some wear and tear.

Layering really is the answer, so start with a thin moisture wicking base layer and work your way up to a heavier outer layer if necessary.

And I can’t stress enough the importance of rain gear. It’s easy to brush it off if you're packing on anything but a rainy day. But the first morning you wake up to hear raindrops on the roof of the bus you'll be pumped that you brought a good rain jacket, pants, and some waterproof shoes. 

That’s the short version. I’ll follow up in a later blog with a more in depth look at some specific pieces that will improve your comfort level on the road.

Stay warm!