Trust Your Instinct

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From seasoned production managers to those embarking on there first touring production, everyone has an instinct. There are times you need to trust this instinct above all else when making a decision.

Whether its schedule, how much gear will safely fit in a bus trailer, amount of labor on the call, or something else related to your production, there will always be someone voicing their opinion. Management, venue production, union stewards and every other person involved have their own ideas of how, when and why something should be done. I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t listen to what they have to say, they typically have good intentions and want a smooth day and a great performance just as you do. If you agree with them that’s wonderful, nothing to be concerned with.

For those who are new to the industry or stepping into a specific role for the first time, remember that some things don’t require experience. In circumstances where you don’t feel good about what’s being offered up or suggested you should voice your concerns. At the end of the day, you don't want to waste time putting out a fire that could have been avoided. Especially when you knew from the start that it wasn’t right.

Trust your gut, speak up, look out for yourself and those around you.