
Pavan started doing sound at his high school, setting up PA systems for assemblies, sporting events, and Drama performances. From there he spent many years in a studio in Orange County, California before finding his calling in live entertainment.
Following the natural progression of a touring engineer, he paid his dues on the small club circuit while touring in vans, worked his way up to larger clubs, made the transition to bus travel, and eventually started working in amphitheaters and arenas.
With twenty years in the industry, Pavan has worked as both a tour and production manager, also covering monitors when the need presents itself. But his primary focus is front of house audio, touring with artists like Rita Ora, Pentatonix, Ella Mai, and 5 Seconds of Summer, to name a few.
Based in Fullerton, California, you can find him in Instagram @Pavangrewall

Favorite concert or live show you’ve attended as a fan (not for work)?
The Cure presented by Myspace at the Troubadour.

Is there anything you try to do every off day?
I always try to find an exceptional dinner on off days.

What are one to three work-related tool(s) you can’t do without? (Computer, gear, tool, phone app, etc.)?
I don’t ever want to do a show without my Smaart analyzer software by Rational Acoustics and my Waves plug-in licenses.

Are there any standard industry practices that you’d like to change?
I’d love to see high-speed rail or hyper loops be utilized more than airlines and busses in our industry one day.

Since you began working in this industry are there any concepts or practices you’ve implemented that have had a positive impact on your work (reduced stress, saved time, etc.)?
Devoting time to learn has always been beneficial. This could be about anything from learning new shortcuts in Excel to mastering a new audio console. Learning about the things that you aren’t familiar with make you a stronger and more efficient tech or manager. I don’t ever want to stop learning.

Where do you see the industry going in the next 5-8 years?
I’ve been watching the industry grow more rapidly in recent years. I think that there are many more technologies that will be used in live performances that no one has even thought of yet. When I started working in live music, I never thought I’d see holograms and drones being employed by show designers but that tech has been amazing to see live.

What ruins your day at a show?
Negativity is always unnecessary and can spread quickly.

What improves your day at a show?
Positivity and cooperation are key to putting on an exceptional and memorable show. I want all my shows to be the best they can be.

Our industry isn’t as glamorous as often perceived. What continues to motivate you to work such long hours, and be away from home for extended periods of time?
I’d like to one day retire from the road and open my own business. I’m always keeping my eyes open for the next opportunity.

How do you stay connected to home while away (or do you)?
An old fashioned phone call to my parents always puts me in a great mood and keeps me grounded.

What's the most important thing in your suitcase?
Clean socks and a weather proof outfit keep me prepared for almost any situation.