
With a career that started over 20 years ago, Los Angeles based Cory FitzGerald is a seasoned professional in the production industry. Now a Senior Design partner at Silent House Productions, he works as a creative producer, production & lighting designer, and lighting programmer for a client list that reads like a who’s who in modern pop culture. Recent projects include artists like Beyoncé and Jay Z, Bruno Mars, Jennifer Lopez, Childish Gambino, Miley Cyrus, Gwen Stefani, Janet Jackson, The Chainsmokers, Skrillex, and Zhu.

Favorite concert or live show you’ve attended as a fan (not for work)?
I don’t get out to nearly enough shows for fun anymore. But I did love the LCD Soundsystem Coachella performance a few years ago via the live stream. Amazing looks and a totally different way to shoot a show.

Is there anything you try to do every off day?
Be home, cook, sleep 8 hours a day, try to stay healthy! Trying to stay more balanced overall so taking time off as much as I can get it.

What are one to three work-related tool(s) you can’t do without? (Computer, gear, tool, phone app, etc.)?
MacBook Pro, Lumu Light Meter, back up power chargers.

Are there any standard industry practices that you’d like to change?
Accountability for creative ideas regarding budget and time.

Since you began working in this industry are there any concepts or practices you’ve implemented that have had a positive impact on your work (reduced stress, saved time, etc.)?
I think staying focused on home and relationships is key. It’s very easy to loose sight of that being busy and in the bubble of the road all the time, so its good to stay focused on goals and where you want to be vs. where you are.

Where do you see the industry going in the next 5-8 years?
It will keep progressing with technology, but ultimately stay the same. Live music will always be an event to see and scale will simply change with technology and economy.

What ruins your day at a show?
Usually the forgotten or overlooked details that can derail or crater a show when not thought through or forgotten.

What improves your day at a show?
Planning and good attitudes. We all know things will go wrong or unexpected issues come up, so deal with them in a positive way and make the best you can out of any situation.

Our industry isn’t as glamorous as often perceived. What continues to motivate you to work such long hours, and be away from home for extended periods of time?
It’s always about the end result. If the show is great and the people love it, there is nothing like that experience and very hard to match with other jobs out there.

How do you stay connected to home while away (or do you)?
I am much more aware of home life these days and am always in communication via text, phone or video chats.  Slack has become a necessary evil all the time.

What's the most important thing in your suitcase?
The return ticket!I try to stay healthy now, so keeping supplies and ways to stay healthy is key and planning ahead for those long days and nights.

Lucas Meek