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Having toured for 26 years now, Angie Warner is right where she wants to be. She lives in Nashville, has one of the happiest dogs around @stoneybluethedood and travels the world as tour manager for Post Malone. When her schedule allows, she also works as TM for the KPop band BTS.

Favorite concert or live show you’ve attended as a fan (not for work)?
U2 – The Joshua Tree tour (the recent one). Blown away by the video content and the stage design. And that album brought back so many memories. Phil Collins. Ricky Martin. Marc Anthony.

Is there anything you try to do every off day?
Walk and get coffee. RELAX!!!! I’ve been to most of the cities already so no real need to go sightseeing. So, I try to not plan too much. If I’m doing a lot of yoga, I will try to find a class so I can clear my mind a little more.

What is one to three must have work-related tool(s)? (Computer, gear, tool, phone app, etc.)?
Phone with a charger. A good laptop! 

Are there any standard industry practices that you’d like to see change?
Right now being that we are coming out of Covid, I wish we could have a “universal” live event covid policy. Standard for every indoor venue and for backstage. It’s very difficult navigating all the different rules in every city, state, county and venue.

Since you began working in this industry are there any concepts or practices you’ve implemented that have positively impacted your work (reduced stress, saved time, etc.)?
Cut to the chase. Totally has been my rule to stick by. We move at a fast pace daily on the road. I love when people are very precise in what they need when they need it. Makes me be able to help a lot quicker AND better.
Also, I’m big on people being NICE. Please and thank you go so far on the road. It always helps my day when people (locals especially!!!) want to work with you. It will help with the overall stress when you have them on your side.

Where do you see the industry going in the next 5-8 years?
I don’t see that far ahead. I’ll go back to that vision when we get fully out of Covid and 100% back on tour the way it used to be. OR as close to it as we possibly can.  

Post pandemic touring is different, and I’ve found it to be more difficult in some ways. What has your experience been so far?
The extreme differences with protocols. Can be very difficult to keep up with it all.

How much sleep do you actually get? And how do you manage sleep deprivation?
Coffee. Lots of it. I don’t know about tour…I forget! But days off are for catching up as well. I try not to do too much engagement with crowds and groups so I can keep my brain ‘quiet’ and limit the stimulation.

What improves your day at a show?
Good locals!!!! Promoter reps and runners.

Our industry isn’t as glamorous as often perceived. What motivates you to work such long hours and be away from home for extended periods?
The excitement and energy of the venue when the lights go out…. that and finally getting the paycheck that I deserve. Also, when the artist is as nice as Post Malone, it’s hard to have a bad day.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their career in the live production industry (perhaps something you wish someone would have told you when you were getting started)?
My advice would be to never think that work is guaranteed. No matter how good you are or think you are, you can’t rely on the fact you think work will always be there. Also, don’t get mad when you believe someone with less experience got a job you wanted. There is so so so much more than your resume that gets you hired.

What's the most essential thing in your suitcase?
Clean socks and a good book. Not that I get to read a lot on tour, I have to have one just in case!!!!