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Alex Feld tours, a lot. Working as a tour manager, production manager and tour director, for both The Struts and Misterwives, his calendar is always filled. When he does find a few minutes to himself, he splits his time between New York and Nashville. You can undoubtedly find him in a city near you some time soon.

Favorite concert or live show you’ve attended as a fan (not for work)?
The Weeknd Beauty Behind The Madness Tour. Having Es Devlin design a tour for me would be an ultimate goal.

Is there anything you try to do every off day?
I try to plan an adventure. The best by-product of touring is being geographically positioned to see and explore new places. Recently on tour in Europe, we were faced with a long drive in a few SUVs between Cannes, France and Bologna, Italy - so we took a 30 minute detour and spent the afternoon in Cinque Terre before continuing to Bologna. Other standout tour adventures have included visiting the Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands National Park, Stonehenge; hiking Diamond Head in Oahu; touring temples in Kyoto.

What are one to three work-related tool(s) you can’t do without? (Computer, gear, tool, phone app, etc.)?
Cell Phone

Are there any standard industry practices that you’d like to change?
Security awareness in small clubs. Promoters, venues & agents that don’t budget security from load in to load out, I’m looking at you. Doors should not be left unlocked until security shows up 30 minutes before doors.

Since you began working in this industry are there any concepts or practices you’ve implemented that have had a positive impact on your work (reduced stress, saved time, etc.)?
Master Tour has been a huge help. It takes a bit longer on the data-entry side - but I find it incredibly valuable in the accessibility it provides to distribute information to bands and crews.

Where do you see the industry going in the next 5-8 years?
Live Music will continue to grow and keep operating.

What ruins your day at a show?
I try not to let anything ruin my day. I’m very lucky to do what I do every day, and try to keep that in mind when the hiccups happen. 

What improves your day at a show?
When the House Production Manager and/or Promoter Rep reads your advance, and communicates everything effectively in advance to his crew before your arrival.

Our industry isn’t as glamorous as often perceived. What continues to motivate you to work such long hours, and be away from home for extended periods of time?
This is the only thing I’ve ever been half-decent at :)

How do you stay connected to home while away (or do you)?
I find it hard to stay connected. I’m constantly pushing off other people in my life to focus on the moment, or the next few months’ worth of advances. I need to learn how to improve in this area.

What's the most important thing in your suitcase?
Clean socks and boxers