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Eating Healthy on Tour

This subject has come up in recent conversations with touring colleagues so I wanted to discuss. Not everyone concerns themselves with healthy eating or a healthy lifestyle in general so this will not apply to all who tour. But for those who do have an interest in their health and well being while on the road, diet is a crucial piece to this puzzle.
In addition to providing us with fuel and energy, our diet also affects how alert & focused we are. It truly affects everything we do. If we aren’t careful about what we consume, the touring lifestyle will catch up with us sooner than we think, in ways we may not have imagined
If you’re touring in a van you often have an advantage because it’s easier to pick the places you stop for lunch, where you get groceries etc. In a bus you’re more committed to the neighborhood the bus is parked in when you wake up. If you’re in the middle of nowhere with time to spare it's often worth the extra effort of taking a rideshare for a good meal.
Given that we’re inundated with diet and health talk these days I don’t need to spend much time stressing the good from the bad here. Everyone knows that fast food is generally bad for you.  Nearly anything you can grab at a gas station is bad news, although most these days have apples, bananas, and mixed nuts. At the very least you can get some healthy sustenance without settling for a burger and fries or potato chips and Twizzlers. Most importantly, skip the soda!
Whether you’re trying to avoid meat, greasy food, sugar, carbs, bread, or anything else that is frowned upon by one diet or another these days, the downfall of many people comes in the form of catering. All catering companies are not created equal, some provide the bare minimum with very little to choose from. Others have a large selection with something for everyone, which makes it much easier for those looking to eat healthily. But with all those options come the temptations. If you're strong-willed enough to skip the fried foods, pass up the pizza, go for water instead of soda and head straight for the salad bar, you still have to contend with the dessert bar. All catering comes with dessert, the better the catering company the larger the selection. Everyone has their weakness, and one of my biggest challenges as a touring production manager is... passing up a good dessert table.
Everyone has their own approach and I believe moderation is the key, allow yourself a little something now and then. The other day when having this discussion with a colleague she said, “eat healthy all the time”. Easier said than done I know, but if you go into each day with that focus and intention you’re less likely to cave when faced with your weaknesses, whatever they may be.
Take care of yourself out there!