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Van and trailer tours are a right of passage that everyone should experience before enjoying the good life on a bus. These tours come with their own unique set of circumstances and rules (mostly unwritten). One thing I learned many years ago when touring with Stephen Kellogg is that we should never leave the driver alone. Our phones do a pretty good job of navigating, but there are so many external distractions and demands placed on a driver that one person should never be expected to do it alone.
Even with the GPS assist, traffic in major metros can be tough to navigate, more so when pulling a trailer full of backline and production gear.
Lots of driving on tour is done at night when its dark and everyone is exhausted. These are crucial times for the co-pilot who is responsible for keeping the driver awake and alert.
The vehicle, the trailer and its contents, and the human lives on board are all the responsibility of the driver. We should all take this role seriously and ensure whoever is driving has the help and resources they need to get everyone and everything to the next gig safe and in one piece.
Those times when everyone in the back is zoned out with earbuds in, listening to music or watching movies, maybe sleeping, allow you the chance to have some good conversations with the driver. Some of my favorite tour memories are just sitting up front in the right seat chatting with the driver.

Safe travels...