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Almost as though he were following some unwritten right of passage for touring personnel, Tony Marino began his career as so many others have, touring the emo scene in a van and eventually doing Warped Tours. After being a part of some larger tours along the way, he knew this was something he wanted to make a career.
Now sixteen years in, he impressively divides his time between tour managing for Panic! At The Disco, who he’s been with for eight years, and tour directing for Carly Rae Jepsen, who he’s been with for seven.  
A consummate professional, Tony is always looking for ways to improve the business and make touring smoother for everyone. You can keep up with him on Instagram @TonyTouchMarino

Favorite concert or live show you’ve attended as a fan (not for work)?
Bruno Mars 24k Tour / Muse’s latest world tour

Is there anything you try to do every off day?
Golf if I have my clubs with me, or a great meal / drink. 

What are one to three work-related tool(s) you can’t do without? (Computer, gear, tool, phone app, etc.)?
Apple Computer / Apple iPhone / Tumi Backpack

Are there any standard industry practices that you’d like to change?
Every gig has something you want to improve about it, just matters if everyone involved is ok with the transition. 

Since you began working in this industry are there any concepts or practices you’ve implemented that have had a positive impact on your work (reduced stress, saved time, etc.)?
Never letting the Inbox build up too much. Having a significant other who also used to tour and understands the workload. Taking time for yourself, which I need to do more often. 

Where do you see the industry going in the next 5-8 years?
Becoming even more of a professional atmosphere. 

What ruins your day at a show?
People who don’t follow through on what they are suppose to do / people who don’t pay attention to details. Bad attitudes.

What improves your day at a show?
Friendly people who, if they don’t know, are willing to learn from a situation. Familiar faces. 

Our industry isn’t as glamorous as often perceived. What continues to motivate you to work such long hours, and be away from home for extended periods of time?
Still loving traveling, and putting on a great show. Walking through a crowd during a show and seeing everyone having the best night of their lives. 

How do you stay connected to home while away (or do you)?
Text messages and Face Time. 

What's the most important thing in your suitcase?
My stack of black t-shirts. Don’t waste energy trying to decide what to wear.